10 Italian idioms to help you impress any native speaker
If you're passionate about European fashion and food, Italian could be considered a near-essential language to learn. In turn, as with other languages, learning Italian idioms is one of the best ways to increase your fluency. We'll give you a head start by introducing you to 10 of the most popular Italian idioms.
10 British English idioms to help you charm native speakers
British English can be a colourful language if you know how to use it, and idioms will help you express your emotions in a much more clear yet descriptive manner. Idioms can be invoked in all sorts of situations, and using them correctly will be sure to impress any native English speakers you may encounter.
10 Spanish words without an English equivalent
Globally, Spanish is the first language of over 440 million people, and the second most widely used global language after English. Sometimes the process of translating it into English can be challenging, as Spanish has many words without a direct equivalent. But this can also be part of the fun, offering new ways of expressing ideas and feelings.
5 translation fails by big companies
Everyone understands the power of a good slogan—a brilliant tagline can take a great product and make it legendary. This also applies to product and brand names. What happens when you want to take your company global, but forget that translation is more than just directly translating words? Read on for some memorable translation fails.
10 French idioms to impress your francophone friends
Learning idioms in your new language not only helps you master the lingo faster, but you get a sense of how the locals express themselves! Here are 10 easy (and fun) French idioms to start you out!
When is Bastille Day and how is it celebrated?
Bastille Day is one of the most important French national holidays. In this article, we'll tell you more about its history and celebration, and will give you a couple of tips on how to use it to grow your business.
10 German idioms to help you sound like a native
Using idioms helps you sound like a local and pushes your conversations beyond technical fluency into a truly natural use of language. Use these 10 German idioms in the right circumstances to help you sound like a native.
Avoid these 5 international marketing mistakes
Expanding into an international market is a high-risk, high-reward situation. It allows a business to tap into a huge customer base, but exposes them to ruthless competition and a new culture. Mitigate the risk involved by avoiding these common mistakes.
7 tips for the French market
The French market holds a lot of potential for entrepreneurs, assuming you know how to work with it. In this article, we offer seven tips to consider as you plan your expansion into French territory.
7 tips for the Italian market
In this article, we'll focus on the Italian market, and the cultural and local business specifics you absolutely need to consider before expanding into this territory.