SEO explained: the importance of internal and external linking
In this article, we take an in-depth look at internal/external linking and why it is such an important aspect of SEO. Read on for a basic explanation of internal and external links, how they work, and how they can benefit your site.
The future of Google Search
Google is going to launch some major updates and features in the near future. But why wait for them to launch when you can learn more about them right now? In this article, we'll tell you how Google Search is going to change.
What can we learn from Apple’s marketing strategy?
Everyone knows that Apple is one of the most successful brands worldwide. But could your business benefit from using some of its marketing strategies and techniques? Definitely. That's why today, we want to talk about 5 important elements of Apple's leading branding strategy.
SEO explained: the importance of proofreading
We’ve all heard of proofreading an essay for a class assignment. But most people don’t realise that every single post or document you release to the public needs to be proofread before it can be considered complete.
What are palindromes exactly?
Palindromes are interesting and fun. If you want to learn how they differ and how to create them, we'll gladly help you. Read this article to find out more about the origin and meaning of palindromes.
How to choose the best social media platform for your business
Free marketing is a commodity worth its weight in gold. With social media sites, that is precisely what you get; free digital marketing that can reach thousands of consumers in an instant. By picking the social media platform that matches your consumer demographic, success is only a click away.
SEO Explained: here’s why URL slugs are so important
In our SEO Explained series, we take an in-depth look at URL slugs and why they're important for search and usability.
Why using “They” is actually a great idea
Despite the fierce debate over the grammatical efficacy of using "they" as a singular, the word has survived scrutiny and now proves more relevant than ever. Discover how the word was initially borrowed and adapted to our own language, and how its use can be applied in modern English.
5 amazing TED talks about language
Language is an integral part of our lives. However, we don't usually spend a lot of time thinking about it in-depth. If you want to learn a thing or two about how language influences human life all over the world, dedicate some time to watch these 5 great TED Talks.
How to use Instagram to effectively market your company
Instagram has gained 100 million active monthly users since 2010, making it a huge pool of potential customers. This social media platform is renowned for being more personal and community-orientated, making it a perfect place to promote your brand.