How and why Google punishes automated content
It's tempting to look to apps like Google Translate for your business' translation needs. However, publishing auto-generated content like this could have detrimental effects on your search rankings.
SEO | Content marketing | A guide for writers
Once SEO and content marketing were two separate things. Now they both share tranches and aspects of one another and overlap so much that one is just as important as the other.
The 5 best types of content for generating backlinks
Backlinks are an important tool for increasing your readership, website growth, and potential customer base. They are a mark of popular content, yet some types of content gain them easier than others.
8 most common reasons people hate your blog
There is a great deal of luck involved when it comes to building an audience fast in a new blog. That said, if you are struggling, you are more likely than not doing something wrong than simply being unlucky.