Attracting Gen Z: 11 Marketing Tips
Marketing to Generation Z takes a different approach than with other generations. But who are Gen Zers? And why are they important for your business? In this article, you'll find out how you can attract more Gen Zers with your brand, and what you should do differently compared to marketing to other generations.
How to optimise brand communication on social media
Proper brand communication can take a regular business and propel it into a living success story. It involves more than just a pretty logo and a flashy website (although these are important!). You need to develop a consistent and appropriate voice, post at the right time, engage with the correct audience, and be as authentic and honest as possible.
How to market Bastille Day
A hugely important day in French culture, Bastille Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille. To find out the history of Bastille Day, its cultural significance, and how to build an effective marketing strategy around the event, keep reading.
How to market Chinese New Year in Europe, Asia & the US
The key to capturing the hearts and minds of consumers during Chinese New Year is launching a marketing campaign tailored exclusively to your audience—and the zodiac animal. If you're not sure what we're talking about, don't worry! We'll cover everything you need to know.
The best holiday marketing ideas for your e-commerce business
If you run an e-commerce business, we imagine you want to take full advantage of the busy holiday season. Success is within reach, but you have to know what you want to sell and how to market those products. As we go along, we'll walk you through strategies that will net you lots of holiday customers.
How to reach readers that will share your content
Developing a loyal customer base will help your business in several ways. First, it will increase the consistency of product and service purchases. Second, loyal customers are more likely to share your content across social media platforms, increasing overall exposure. Use these tips to amass a loyal following.
Six hashtag fails to learn from
Hashtags can help or harm your company immensely. Browse these six social media blunders to avoid making the same errors in the future.
Top 10 text abbreviations for B2C communications
Abbreviations make social media posts, adverts, and emails far easier to digest. Plus, they make your communications more down to earth and relaxed.
10 English email acronyms you should know
Confused about those acronyms that keep popping up in your business emails? Use this handy guide to learn 10 common acronyms you're likely to see in your B2B communications.
Hashtags for every day of the week
Countless hashtags are used every day. Some of them trend heavily and then flicker out; others stick and stay around for a while. Use these tags to appear in the feeds of your target audience every day of the week.