In today’s saturated global marketplace, it can be difficult for websites to stand out from the sea of alternative options. The infinite scale of the internet provides a lot of competition concerning search engine optimization (SEO), which is why it has become paramount for EU businesses to make their websites available in German.
Plain and simple, consumers respond positively to content written in their native language. Although there are translation tools available online to help German speakers decipher texts, these are usually inefficient and are never as compelling as translations by native German translators.
Websites available in German cast a wider net and scoop up an equally encouraging haul of potential consumers. In 2014, Germany was second only to the UK in European online sales, accounting for nearly ⅕ of total sales throughout the continent. Additionally, digital transactions were carried out in staggering percentages – even higher than the United States, clocking in at 61%.
Given that the German consumer base invests in significant domestic retail, websites available in German sustain a unique advantage over those without the option. The more approachable an online business is to natives, the more time they will spend on the website, potentially decreasing your bounce rate by a wide margin. German consumers are likely to engage in eCommerce when they can fully understand both the product and the business via concise and well-translated content.
With impressive advances in its industry, Germany is at the forefront of economic development, exporting more goods than any other nearby nation. The industries of technology, real estate and engineering are all experiencing a renaissance, allowing businesses to hire more employees.
Germany also boasts extensive trade shows in many of its cities, including the capital. Forming online partnerships with German businesses and consumers give websites critical leverage, presenting greater opportunities for synergy.

Search engine optimization is an issue all websites must contend with. Indeed, the success or failure of an online business is partly contingent on whether it appears on the first page of massive search engines like Google. Those businesses that don’t have sticking power on the first page often fail to keep their head above water financially.
Since English is one of the main languages competing for high rankings on search engine juggernauts, websites available in German are less cutthroat concerning SEO – it is much easier to rank highly on the German version of Google than the English. With a better chance of landing at the top of the page, online businesses can really make a splash by expanding their horizons with German translations. Furthermore, fewer Germans use social media – a platform co-opted by many webshops as a means to advertise. This allows for SEO to be the backbone of your online marketing platform.
As of December 2016, Germany maintained record-breaking lows in unemployment near 6% and is set to continue the streak at least through the end of 2017. Germany has experienced a steady period of financial growth that has opened the door for eligible workers to find jobs that pay livable wages. This, in turn, creates a flow in the online sector since consumers have more expendable resources to make purchases with. Inevitably, native speakers will flock toward and financially invest in websites that are easily accessible to them.
Frank-Juergen Weise, president of Germany’s labour agency, recently explained to reporters that “domestic consumption is strong” which he claims is representative of a robust market. With encouraging projections for continually low unemployment and increased fervour in online consumption, it is a shrewd move for non-native websites to cater to German customers.
The Institute for the German Economy (IW) director Michael Hüther put it best, comparing Germany’s consistent economic growth to a “tanker.” Despite an uncertain future in the EU and worldwide marketplaces, Germany has consistently proven itself as vigorous and resilient.
While other nations take dips, Germany keeps ploughing forward with self-assurance. As more websites understand the benefits of German translations, there is no better time than the present to incorporate the language into your online business.